

  • 有効期限内のマイナンバーカードまたは保険証を必ずお持ち下さい。お持ちでないと診療はできません(自費診療の場合でも身分を確認できるものは必要です)Please be sure to bring your My Number Card or insurance card with you within its validity period.If you do not have it, you will not be able to receive treatment (even if you are paying for your own medical treatment, you will need something to confirm your identity).
  • 発熱や呼吸器症状のある方はマスク着用・来院前の検温をお願い致します。If you have a fever or respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask and take your temperature before coming to the hospital.
  • WEB予約は24時間・受診時間の3時間前まで可能です。予約なしでも受診は可能ですがお待ちいただくこともあります。Online reservations can be made 24 hours a day, up to 3 hours before your appointment.You can visit without an appointment, but you may have to wait.
  • 待ち時間の短縮およびスムーズな診療を行うためにご来院前に事前WEB問診の入力をお願いします。In order to reduce waiting times and ensure smooth medical treatment, please fill out the advance online questionnaire before coming to the clinic.
  • 当院には駐輪場がありません。当ビル住人の方々にご迷惑がかかりますので、自転車では来院しないでください(来院された場合は移動していただきます)。Our hospital does not have a bicycle parking lot. To avoid inconvenience to the residents of our building, please do not come to the hospital by bicycle (if you come to the hospital, you will be asked to move).
  • 不明熱など経過が長く感染症専門診療をご希望される場合、特に寄生虫関連検査をご希望される場合WEBではなく必ずお電話で予約を取り、受診歴がある場合には前医より情報提供書を作成いただきご持参下さい。また当院にはCTや超音波などの画像診断機器はありませんのでご承知おき下さい。If you have a long-standing illness such as fever of unknown origin and would like to see specialist infectious disease treatment, especially if you would like to have a parasite-related test, please make an appointment by phone rather than via the web, and if you have previously been to a doctor, please have the doctor fill out a letter of information and bring it with you. Please be aware that our hospital does not have imaging diagnostic equipment such as CT or ultrasound.
  • 会計時にお渡しする医療費領収書の再発行はできません。紛失なきようご自身での管理をお願いします。また明細書および処方箋の再発行は手数料をいただきます。Medical receipts given to you at the time of payment cannot be reissued. Please keep them with you to avoid losing them. In addition, a fee will be charged for reissuing detailed statements and prescriptions.
  • 診療終了時間は医院が閉まる時間です。適切な医療を提供するために初診の受付は18時まで、再診の受付は18時30分までとなります。但し事前にご連絡をいただき当院の承認があった方は除きます。The end of treatment is when the clinic closes. In order to provide appropriate medical care, we accept first-time patients until 6:00 p.m. and repeat patients until 6:30 p.m. However, this does not apply to patients who have contacted us in advance and received our approval.
  • 当院のルールをお守りいただけない場合や診療指針に反する行為がみられた場合には診療をお断りすることがあります。またハラスメントや誹謗中傷などと捉えられる行為等があった場合は法的に対応させていただくことがあります。If you do not follow our rules or if you are found to be behaving in a manner that violates our medical guidelines, we may refuse to treat you. Additionally, we may take legal action if any behavior is deemed to be harassment or slander.






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